Maximal Self

Know Thyself - VIA Strength


In the early 2000s, positive psychology Scientists like Seligman, discovered a common  across all cultures of 24 character strengths that make up what’s best about a person. Character strengths are described as the capacities humans have for thinking, feeling, and behaving. Specifically, they are the psychological ingredients for displaying virtues or human goodness. 

No matter what we do, we have one central question in our life:

How can we live a life of maximal self?


We help each person’s strength should be nurtured and cultivated because the world needs all our strengths.

Research shows that understanding and applying your strengths can help:

  • Boost Confidence
  • Increase Happiness
  • Strengthen Relationships
  • Manage Problems
  • Reduce Stress
  • Accomplish Goals
  • Build Meaning and Purpose
  • Improve Work Performance


A person’s character strengths are determined using the VIA Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS), which is suitable for ages 18 and older, or the VIA Inventory of Strengths—Youth Version (VIA-Youth), which is designed for kids ages 10 to 17. Both character strength tests are available at the VIA’s Institute on Character website.

For example, one widely researched strategy involves encouraging people to use their signature strengths in a new way each week. One study found that having adults do this every day led to increases in happiness and decreases in depression for six months.

Measuring tool: 

1. VIA Character Strength Survey

2. Brief Strength Test

Modifying tool: Use Signature strength in a new way each week.

 Use your strength for pleasant life, flow, and meaningful life.

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