Maximal Self


Our Why


To be your guide on the Side for Your Flourishing life

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The Purpose of life is to give it away”
Here, we teach our gift live.

That’s our central thesis at We exist to provide a science-based, interactive learning environment for personal growth. We are honored to show you how your observer mind can upgrade your experiencing mind (Uddaret Atmana Atmanam). 

Our Positive Psychology based tools will help to unlock your strengths and virtues towards maximal self.

What are you good at?  Karma
What does the world need? Dharma
What can you get paid for? Artha
What are you good at? 

Dharma, artha, kama, moksha 


To help You Be your Best using Science and positive psychology.

“Our audience often say things like ” Because of you, I learned to believe in myself and my strengths”. To know that we have contiributed to that – even slightly – makes our hearts feel that we have shared our gift” .

Our mission is to guide people to upgrade their life by allowing the observing part of mind to work on experiencing part (Uddaret atmana atmanam).

We believe each person’s strengths should be nurtured and cultivated because the world needs all our strengths


We connect the Eastern wisdom to Western Science

“Know thyself (tat tatvam asi ) tools have the power to help people lead more meaningful, more resilient, and more authentic lives.”

Naras Bhat



At, we are guides on the side, rather than sage on the stage. Our simple mantra: Goal, tool, ritual.

You will be interested in our academy and podcast.

A Culture of Pioneers:

At the cutting edge of tools

Sitting disease, anger, gut biome, east west

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